Independent Media Forum has been launched

Independent Media Forum has been launched

  On September 30, 2022, at the fan (club) convention of “Gazeta Polska”, the famous Ukrainian writer and diplomat Yuriy Shcherbak announced the launch of the Ukrainian-Polish Independent Media Forum (IMF) for the first time.

As Chairman of the IMF Council, Yuriy Shcherbak informed the convention delegates present from all over Poland - supporters of one of the most influential newspapers in this country - that a group of famous Ukrainian writers and journalists, ho are temporarily in Poland, have developed an ambitious project - the Independent Media Forum.

The purpose of the Forum, which founded a trilingual (Ukrainian, Polish, English) Internet portal, is to combat criminal ideology of rashism-putinism, to inform readers in Ukraine, Poland, EU and NATO countries about important events that may affect the fate of Ukraine and the world, support and strengthening of Ukrainian national identity and dignity for the country, strengthening of friendly Ukrainian-Polish ties on the basis of better mutual understanding.

Members of the IMF Council also attended the crowded convention and presentation: Executive Director Anatolij Serykov, Doctor of Philosophy, Editor-in-Chief of the portal Tetiana Yaroshovets`, a well-known publicist and cultural expert Jan Staloni-Dobzhanskyi, Head of the Secretariat Valentyn Kondratyuk.

The launch of the IMF coincided with a tragic day in the history of Ukraine and he world. "Today, Putin has signed Executive Orders on Russia's annexation ofcenturies-old Ukrainian lands, - Yuriy Shcherbak said. - We are one step away from the hird World Missile-Nuclear War. This act of international banditism must be condemned by the world community, by the coalition of democratic countries. The act f annexing part of Ukraine reminds me of another sad event - the partition of Poland by imperial Russia.

"The Chairman of the Council of the Forum called for Ukrainian-Polish unity, expressing the hope that in the future Poland and Ukraine will create a powerful strategic tandem equipped with nuclear weapons. This forecast of Yuriy Shcherbak received a favorable response of the convention`s attendees and prolonged applause.

The famous Ukrainian writer and diplomat also took part in the panel discussion Russian Genocide in Ukraine", which was participated by the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Member of the European Parliament Anna Fotyga and the Editor-in-Chief of “Gazeta Polska” media holding, influential politician Tomasz Sakiewicz. For Mr. Sakiewicz, this is not the first meeting with Ukrainian colleagues.

He backed the idea of creating the Independent Media Forum back in May, having invited the initiators of the project, Alla Maliienko and Anatolij Serykov, to a personal meeting.

The progress of the project preparation was also discussed at the previous fan (club) convention of “Gazeta Polska” this summer. Cooperation between Ukrainian and Polish journalists continues. The Polish Association of Journalists (SDP), led by Krzysztof Skowroński  and Iolanta Hajdas, provides constant support to the IMF.

By Valentyn Kondratiuk

Author`s photo

Теги: Юрій Щербак, Події в Україні та Польщі, Незалежний український медіацентр у Європі, Independent Media Forum, IMF,

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