Denys VITKOVSKYI: Because the Ukrainian language is a weapon...

 Denys VITKOVSKYI: Because the Ukrainian language is a weapon...

  Why is the Ukrainian language a weapon? And why can't it be imposed?

Among us, even during the war, there are many disputes over the language. But there is such a saying. Where the Russian language is heard, the foot of Russian imperialism will certainly appear there.

Now the Muscovites clearly understand that the Ukrainian-speaking cities cannot be conquered by them. Even more so, if everyone in Crimea and ORDLO started to use exclusively Ukrainian, the offensive of the aggressor would be slowed down.

How does it work?

First, language is a marker that determines the speaker's belonging to one or another nation. At least the Muscovites think so. If you speak Russian, then you are Russian.

Secondly, the Muscovites' slogan that they are protecting Russians or the Russian-speaking population in Ukraine automatically ceases to work.

And finally, thirdly. Russians do not understand Ukrainian well, and some do not understand it at all.

These weirdos could not navigate on our soil anyway, so imagine how much they will be surprised if Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and other temporarily occupied territories speak Ukrainian.

So. This is dangerous, and there is a risk of getting more than one Bucha or Borodianka. But I remind you that the war is going on. The risk is now across Ukraine.

Rushists often appeal to the fact that Canada has two official languages: French and English. But this is not a good example. Canada is a colonial state. Ukraine is not a colony, it has its own traditions, language, culture and history.

There is one more important point. The mentality of every Ukrainian is based on love of freedom. Imagine a classic situation when Ukrainian is imposed on a Russian-speaking Ukrainian. What's wrong with that, you ask? In general, nothing, except that the Ukrainians are not used to instructions. Most likely, he or she will not use Ukrainian in conversation, because he will think that he has made a concession. That is, in his head at this moment there is such a thought: "What's going on, I have to speak Ukrainian, because someone wanted it that way? It turns out that I will obey and fulfill someone's whim?".

What to do in this case? Currently, the task of every Ukrainian is to develop the information field of Ukraine and exclude Russian-language content. Many have already managed to pay attention to the fact that requests on the Internet were usually written in Russian, because Ukrainian-language content simply could not satisfy the demand. However, now we have a chance to create a decent alternative. And for this, especially stubborn Russian-speaking Ukrainians are offered a new perspective on the situation: you speak Russian and use the Russian media space simply because rushists want to, you are fulfilling their imperialist whim.

And where the Russian language is heard, the foot of Russian imperialism will certainly appear there. 

The choice is more than obvious. Ukrainian has become a symbol of intelligence and civilization, a symbol of freedom and democratic values. And this is not an exaggeration. Thousands of our soldiers prove this every day in the war, risking their lives so that you could order a cup of coffee, watch a movie dubbed in Ukrainian, and hear these simple words: "Vilna kasa (Free cash desk), please order!".

Is it possible to imagine that the Kyiv Metro used the rushists` language? We are so used to this voice and words: "Please, the doors are closing, the next station: Kontraktova Ploshcha. Please give way to passengers with children, the disabled and the elderly!". It's just a "song"!

The Russian language is a stigma of the enemy. And if you meet Russian-speaking Ukrainians, do not quarrel with them and do not impose Ukrainian. They are victims of imperialism, victims of Mordor. Such people need an approach and understanding. Derussification is not an easy process, and for it to be successful, we all have to work together. Exactly the same as we carried out the Revolution of Dignity together, and today we are fighting against the rushist invaders.

Denys VITKOVSKYI, journalist

The author is in the picture

Теги: Денис ВІТКОВСЬКИЙ, Незалежний Медіа Форум,Українська мова, Думки вголос,, Independent Media Forum, IMF

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