Realities of Russian aggression through the eyes of Vadym BELIKOV from Kharkiv

 Realities of Russian aggression through the eyes of Vadym BELIKOV from Kharkiv

 Vadym BELIKOV. Torn-up Kharkiv. Realities of Russian aggression throughthe eyes of a peaceful resident of Kharkiv. Photo album-chronology. Foreword by Serhii Tomilenko. Compiled by Anatolij Serykov.

     The album is eloquent evidence of how, with the beginning of Russian aggression against Ukraine, peaceful, measured life of Kharkiv and its commuters turned into hell. This is a documentary photo indictment for the Hague Tribunal, with dates, times, locations.

     The contrast to the pre-war tranquility of the city is created by the wailing of sirens, missile strikes in the city, which can be easily seen from a window at night, ruined houses, craters from shells, funeral processions. The city turned from bright to gray and depressed. Let's compare pre-war photos to present ones!

      In Kharkiv, calls not to ignore air raid sirens sound like tortures, especially when they are automatically repeated many times a day. The torture consists in the fact that the sirens start blaring, in the best case, a few seconds before a strike, and more often - already after... The distance to orebryk??? is very short. In Kharkiv, even trolleybus drivers drive in bulletproof vests.

     "Just open the window...". A Kharkiv photographer captures the moments of the launch of Russian "Iskanders", S-300 from the window of his own apartment in Saltivka neighborhood. He was one of the first to start recording rocket launches, with which Russians strike Kharkov and its outskirts almost every day from Belgorod region. The rays of light from the rockets in the dark blue and orange-pink dawn sky look spectacular and ominous. We will see these photo documents with our own eyes.

     Our hero does not venture to guess what the future will be in Kharkiv: "Everything is always changing, even without a war, everything is changing. Now everything depends on what will happen to Russia. If we have a frozen conflict with Russia, such that they periodically fire across the border, Kharkiv will be in an isolated state, it will get worse and worse. Ideally, I would like to dream that Russia reached such a state in the economy and politics that it would not care about us".

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Теги: Харків, Вадим Бєліков, Незалежний український медіацентр у Європі,Незалежний Медіа Форум,, IMF, Independent Media Forum

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